How To Unblock A Drain Outside: The Complete Guide

how to unblock a drain outside

Think you know how to unblock a drain outside, just because you’re handy with a plunger for the toilet or the kitchen sink? You may need to think again – because an outside drain blockage can be very different … and quite difficult.

Why exactly is knowing how to unblock a drain pipe outside different from unblocking your sink drain inside your home? Firstly, the outside drain blockage is typically more complex and difficult because of the physical drain size difference. But it’s also because outside drains are susceptible not only to all of the things that cause internal drain blockages, but also leaves, mud and other external-specific factors.

If you have flooding causing damage right now, don’t delay calling an emergency plumber. But if your outside drain is blocked and you’re keen to try your hand as an amateur outside drain unblocker, read on.

Oh, first things first, could it be that you need to unblock an outside drain because you totally forgot it even existed? Remember: the best cure is always prevention.

  • Is your outside drain covered with a cover or grate? The whole idea is to prevent debris like leaves and mud from getting in there.
  • How often do you clean out your drains? The best idea is to do it every couple of months or so, whether it’s blocked at all or not. It’s as simple as blasting your garden hose down there and hacking away at any potential blockage with a drain rod.
  • Another awesome preventative measure is a biological enzyme cleaner product, which you should pour into the drain every now and then when there are no rain clouds in the sky. It works by using natural bacteria to eat away at the organic debris before it becomes a major problem.

Ok, now that we’ve reminded you to give your outside drains a little bit of love now and then, let’s deal with the problem at hand – how to unblock an outside drain.

1. Use your hands

Put rubber gloves on first, of course – and it’s a good idea to protect your eyes and mouth from potentially contaminated waste or sewer water as well.

You’ll have to pry the drain cover off, and then it’s just a matter of reaching in and going fishing! Scoop out as much gunk as you can, and see if that’s fixed the problem.

2. Use a drain rod

As we mentioned earlier, the best specific tool for knowing how to unblock drains outside is a drain rod. It will come in several parts so you can keep making it longer if required, and the working principle couldn’t be simpler – stick the rod in the drain, and go to work!

3. Use a hose

The higher the pressure, the better. Actually, using a hose to blast water into that drain – soaking and softening and breaking up the blockage – is best done in conjunction with the drain rod method. It goes like this: use the drain rod for a while, then use the hose for a while, and repeat.

4. Try water and bleach

If you’re still struggling with that outside drain blockage, it’s time to get the bucket from the garden shed. Fill it up with hot water, add a couple of cups of bleach, and carefully pour it down – and don’t forget to protect your eyes from any splashes. Finish off the process with another couple of minutes of elbow grease with that drain rod.

As with your inside drains, you could also try baking soda and vinegar – just use higher doses to deal with the bigger and more stubborn blockages that are typical in outside drains.


Get an obligation free quote from the drainage speicalists today.

You may need to call a real-life Drain Master

But if nothing is working and you’re getting frustrated, don’t despair – because a real-life Drain Master is always just around the corner! While we can handle all of your plumbing problems all across Brisbane, our true speciality is right there in the name: Drain Masters Plumbing. We provide high quality blocked drain cleaning in Brisbane and beyond.

For a fast fix with a great low price, get in touch with our friendly local Brisbane plumbing team today.

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