Who Is Responsible For Stormwater Drains In QLD?

who is responsible for storm water drains

It’s no mystery why stormwater management is so important. Without well designed and maintained gutters, downpipes, stormwater drains and community collection systems, we’d all be dealing with a big wet mess, damage to our properties, land and foundations, and the risk of health problems associated with uncontrolled, stagnating water. So with so much riding on it, who is responsible for storm water drains, precisely?

That’s a common question our Gold Coast drain plumbers are asked, so let’s explore it. Firstly, effective stormwater management is to:

  • Protect your property
  • Protect your neighbours’ property
  • Minimise pollution
  • Prevent spillage into yards and onto roads
  • Safeguard personal & community health and convenience.

Where it all gets a little murky, however, is on the question of who is responsible for stormwater drains. The answer? It differs slightly depending on where you live, who your local council is, and what state you’re in.

Who is responsible for storm water drains in QLD?

Here in Brisbane, stormwater runoff is a particular problem due to the notorious weather and unique topography – and when that trouble strikes, pollution, flooding and inconvenience is the usual price to pay. So while stormwater responsibility normally falls on the shoulders of each landowner to manage that runoff effectively, councils – already responsible for the community stormwater system – may take issue with you.

That’s because:

  • Your stormwater cannot create a nuisance for your neighbours
  • The quality of your water may be deemed unacceptable
  • Your runoff must drain reasonably through and from your property.

If your stormwater system is causing problems and a complaint or investigation is in effect, Queensland’s Planning Act 2016, as well as the Environmental Protection Act 1994, empowers the imposition of on-the-spot fines – with major offences punished to the tune of up to $1 million.

In a nutshell, when considering who is responsible for stormwater runoff in Qld, it is the property owner’s responsibility to:

  • Make sure a legal and compliant stormwater connection is present
  • Maintain roof infrastructure, tank overflow and stormwater pipes all the way to the connection point
  • Ensure no water polluted with soil, building waste, concrete, paint and other pollutants are discharged into waterways.

What if a neighbour is breaching their stormwater responsibility?

Unfortunately, stormwater disputes across neighbourhood boundaries are common, which is why Queensland councils generally implement clear processes for complaints to be lodged and resolved. However, if the problem has been caused by the placing of a pool, a fence, landscaping or placement of a building, the council will generally shy away from any legal involvement and recommend dealing with the matter as a civil dispute.

If your neighbour’s stormwater is causing an issue for you, councils recommend talking to or writing to the neighbour to raise the matter and seek an amicable and private resolution. If that fails, the Department of Justice can get involved through the provision of a mediator, with civil action as the last resort – especially if your property is suffering damage.


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Brisbane’s stormwater experts can help!

But if it’s your own stormwater system or drains that are causing trouble, the experts in Gold Coast stormwater drainage solutions experts are right here and more than willing to help. At Drain Masters Plumbing, we swiftly and affordably resolve any stormwater or plumbing issue, including blocked stormwater drains, damaged pipes and drains, and professional gutter & downpipe repairs.

Stormwater giving you a headache? Give the friendly team at Drain Masters Plumbing a call today. Whether you’re in Mermaid Waters, Varsity Lakes, Coombabah, Elanora or anywhere in the Gold Coast we can help!

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